Signs You’re Outgrowing Your IT Infrastructure


If these signs sound familiar, it might be time for an update

Imagine yourself in your office. You’re on the phone and your boss is holding you accountable for the Conrad presentation. Why isn’t it finished and in his inbox? You look for the slides you spent 9 hours perfecting the last night, but after you finally get into your computer, you discover that the sales drive is missing! You call up the IT guy and he informs you in disinterested tones that the company’s file server crashed late last night and there was nothing he could do about it. A shiver runs down your spine at the thought of delivering a presentation to the board in 30 minutes without any slides!

If that story hits a little too close to home, it might be time to update your IT infrastructure.

Many business owners and executives only think about updating their infrastructure once their business outgrows their current setup, but outdated infrastructure can impair the performance and growth of a company, and be detrimental to the bottom line.

Here are 4 ways to determine whether your infrastructure needs an upgrade:

You’re still in the stone age of tech

If your infrastructure is at least 4 iPhones old. it means you are effectively in the stone age of technology. The technological advances in the last 5 years alone have created many tools that business owners can use to maximize their company’s performance. If you are still using Outlook 2011, you aren’t saving money. Instead, you’re opening yourself up to more downtime and greater IT problems. It might be a bit paradoxical, but sometimes the most effective way to save and generate more money is to spend money to eliminate downtime and make sure that you can serve your customers efficiently and quickly.

Your growth rate is slow, stable, or declining

Sometimes, companies can find themselves in a rut, not growing at the rate they were projecting. Your company’s growth rate is directly dependent on the performance of your employees. Updating your company’s IT infrastructure helps your employees be the most productive versions of themselves to take your company to the next level.

Your customers are complaining about your service

Your IT infrastructure is integral to your success as a company. Your customer service suffers when your infrastructure isn’t up to date. If your customers start complaining that they can’t reach you because your phones are down or when you can’t promptly respond to their emails, it’s time to update your infrastructure.

You’re seeing too much of your IT guy

Your IT guy may be a nice person. You might be best friends, but you still don’t want to see too much of him throughout your  workday. Seeing too much of your IT guy typically means that you are experiencing too many problems with your infrastructure. It might be time for a change and or update your current infrastructure.

Is your company experiencing any of the above symptoms? Do you want IT infrastructure support immediately? KORCOMPTENZ can help you analyze your current infrastructure and provide you with a report on how you can save your business both time and money.  For improving your bottom line, you can contact KORCOMPTENZ for a free consultation about your infrastructure today!

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